Apple Magic Keyboard (2021) のキーを分解、洗浄

一般的なWindowsのキーボードだと、キートップ外して、洗ってということが簡単にできますが、僕が使っているのはApple Magic Keyboard (2021)です。



I did it. I’m sure you’ve probably spilled a drink on your keyboard before.
With a standard Windows keyboard, you can easily remove the keytops and wash them, but I use the Apple Magic Keyboard (2021).
I was thinking, “What should I do…Ah…is it buy a new one…?

First of all, I hurriedly turned off the power (since it is wireless) and wiped it with a tissue, but there was no doubt that drink must have invaded the gap between the keyboard and the steel plate, so I wet the tissue with water and wiped it a little.
I managed to get the keys to feel OK, but the keys were clearly moving strangely, probably because they had dried after a little time had passed. The keys bounce very poorly and the movement is heavy.

However, when I hit a key, the result is reflected on the screen, so it does not seem that the keyboard has become electrically NG, so I decided that the moving parts of the keys are simply sticky from the drink.
