Apple Magic Keyboard (2021) のキーを分解、洗浄

一般的なWindowsのキーボードだと、キートップ外して、洗ってということが簡単にできますが、僕が使っているのはApple Magic Keyboard (2021)です。



I did it. I’m sure you’ve probably spilled a drink on your keyboard before.
With a standard Windows keyboard, you can easily remove the keytops and wash them, but I use the Apple Magic Keyboard (2021).
I was thinking, “What should I do…Ah…is it buy a new one…?

First of all, I hurriedly turned off the power (since it is wireless) and wiped it with a tissue, but there was no doubt that drink must have invaded the gap between the keyboard and the steel plate, so I wet the tissue with water and wiped it a little.
I managed to get the keys to feel OK, but the keys were clearly moving strangely, probably because they had dried after a little time had passed. The keys bounce very poorly and the movement is heavy.

However, when I hit a key, the result is reflected on the screen, so it does not seem that the keyboard has become electrically NG, so I decided that the moving parts of the keys are simply sticky from the drink.




So I thought about washing it down with pure water.
There is a story that washing with impurity-free water can keep appliances from breaking down. I have heard that using it in the sprinklers in the machine room will keep the servers from breaking.

However, it takes a lot of courage to buy pure water and wash it out. I googled and found people who have disassembled keytops, and they were there.

The examples on the Internet are a bit older keyboards, but I thought it was probably possible to remove them using the same principle, so I gave it a try.
(To be honest, I was pretty much ready to break the keyboard at one point or another, so I started.)

Push the cards into the front side and remove them using the principle of leverage, then remove the back side as well.




Surprisingly, we managed to get it off, and once we got the hang of it, we were able to easily remove the normal keys.
However, I didn’t want to remove all of them if something happened, so I removed only the parts that didn’t feel good.

The hardest part was the shift key, but I managed to get it off with a bit of fumbling.

When I looked at the back of the keys, I found some colored deposits on them, which I thought might be the cause of the stickiness. On the other hand, on the keyboard itself, I wiped the aluminum wall and the pantograph-like keys with a cotton swab moistened with purified water that I bought at a pharmacy. I was told that purified water is close to pure water, so I thought that if I used this to wipe the keyboard, I could manage even if water got inside the keyboard.
I wiped the keyboard thoroughly.

Purified water bought at the pharmacy. I used purified water instead of water because I was afraid of any eventuality.
The mechanical parts should also be cleaned.



Once dry, the key tops were inserted. Insert the keytops from the top, then snap them down to install them. You can push it in quite firmly.

The return key is a bit large, so there is a wire frame, so hook it and push it in.

The RETURN key is a bit tricky. The wireframe must be hooked up first.



The shift key is even larger and has wire frames at the top and bottom. There is a groove in the middle of the vertical direction to hook the wire frame, so press it in firmly until it clicks.

That’s all.
The keyboard was safely returned to its original feel.
I managed to remove the key tops, but to be honest, it wasn’t good for my heart. I was terrified, thinking of what would happen if I broke something. The most important thing is not to spill water on the keyboard lol.

The feel of the keys was restored and the dirt was cleaned off.
Disassemble and clean Apple Magic Keyboard (2021) keys


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