
Take advantage of the Microsoft services on your Mac

久々Macの話題を。Macと言えばApple製品ですが、宿敵 (今はそうでもない?) MicrosoftのサービスがMacでもスムーズに使える状態になっている事をご存知でしょうか。

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about Macs. Did you know that traditional rivals Microsoft’s services (not so much now?) can now be usable smoothly on the Mac?
The COVID-19 has made teleworking more popular in Japan, and one of the ways to do this is to use your own machine. Some places use the machine provided by the company, but even if you use your personal machine, which is also a Mac, it will be a little more convenient if you know the following things.

永続版OfficeはApple Storeでも販売されています。

Microsoft Office Home and Business 2021(Mac 2台) / Apple online store

企業でOffice 365を契約している人は、Officeが使えるライセンスを個人で持っていますが、Office 365にはE1/E3/E5/F3という契約がありE3以上だとネイティブ版Officeが使えます(E1はブラウザ版のみ)。
企業ライセンスを使ってOffice for Macを使いたい人は下記の更新履歴からOffice for Macのdmg ファイルをダウンロード出来るのでインストールが出来ると思います (会社のライセンスを自分のマシンで使っていいかの確認はしてください)。

Office for Mac の更新履歴 / Microsoft 365 Documentation


About Office
Office is Microsoft’s biggest moneymaker still now. In Japan, the perpetual license version is still available, but in other countries, only the subscription version is available.
The reason for this is that most Japanese people still not familiar to pay the subscription service. I don’t like subscriptions either, because they are a bit of a drain on my wallet.
The perpetual version of Office is also sold at Apple Store (Japan).

Microsoft Office Home and Business 2021(Mac 2台) / Apple online store

If you subscribe to Office 365 at your company, you have a license to use Office from you company. Office 365 has plan of E1/E3/E5/F3 subscriptions, and E3 and above can use the native version of Office (E1 is the browser version only).
If you want to use Office for Mac with a corporate license, you can download the Office for Mac dmg file from the update history below and install it (make sure to check if you can use the company license on your own machine).
Office is available from the latest version of macOS to the three previous versions.

Update history for Office for Mac / Microsoft 365 Documentation

Unfortunately, Excel files that make heavy use of VBScript, etc., can be opened but not executed, so please be careful.
About font, MS Font will be installed, MS Gothic and MS Mincho will be available, and Mayrio, which was added in Vista, will also be available.


Safari > 環境設定 > プライバシー
サイト越えトラッキング : チェックを入れて下さい。


About Teams
Remote work has accelerated dramatically with COVID-19, and many people are using Teams as well as Slack and Zoom.
The native version of Teams is naturally also available for macOS.
The supported OS versions are the latest and up to three previous versions.

Can’t use the browser version of Teams?
If you can’t use in the Safari, please check your Safari settings first.
Safari > Preferences > Privacy
Prevent cross-site tracking : Check this box.
Restart Safari, and you’ll be launch Teams in Safari.

Check the Prevent cross-site tracking

MIcrsoft Edgeを使いたい
Microsoft Edge

I want to use MIcrsoft Edge.
Some companies may recommend the use of Micrsoft Edge as a browser application.
Edge for macOS is also available, so those who need it can download and use it.
Microsoft Edge

Office 365などのプランによってはOneDriveがあります。契約によって容量は異なりますが、WEBブラウザからの利用では面倒と感じる人もいると思います。Officeソフトと同じくOneDriveもネイティブアプリがあるのをご存知でしょうか。

Mac OS X の OneDrive とファイルを同期する / Microsoft Support

こちらのドキュメントに.plist の値を書き換える事でさらに細かい管理が可能です。

Mac 向けの新しい OneDrive 同期アプリを展開および構成する / Microsoft Support

.plist ファイルはMDMやRemoteDesktopやスクリプトなどで入れ替える必要があります。

Utilizing OneDrive
Some plans, such as Office 365, offer OneDrive. The capacity varies depending on the subscription, but some people find it cumbersome to use OneDrive from a web browser.

Sync files with OneDrive on Mac OS X / Microsoft Support

When you install the Microsoft OneDrive sync app for Mac, you can view your OneDrive directly from the Finder, and the contents are automatically synchronized with the OneDrive side. Some files may not need to be kept locally at all times. By right-clicking on a file and selecting “Free Up Space”, you can make the file disappear from your local area while it is still present in OneDrive (the file is still visible by its icon).
Conveniently, you can also obtain a share link or invite others to share a file/folder with you.
Some organizations may want to manage the behavior of OneDrive.
You can rewrite the .plist value in this document for even finer control.

Deploy and configure the new OneDrive sync app for Mac / Microsoft Support

The .plist file must be replaced by MDM, RemoteDesktop or custom scripts.

Select file and displayed OneDrive options. It is convenient for what it is.


Mac OS X Mail でメールを設定する / Microsoft Support


Utilizing Exchange Mail from macOS
Did you know that you can also use Exchange Mail from the standard macOS
There is also official help from Microsoft.

Set up email in Mac OS X Mail / Microsoft Support

It is convenient access to Exchange with macOS

Active Directoryとの統合
これは個人のMacを使うという中ではなかなか許可されてないと思いますが、Microsoft のディレクトリサービスであるActive DirectoryとmacOSが連動出来る事ご存知でしょうか。

macOSをMicrosoft Active Directoryと統合する / Apple Support
Macのディレクトリユーティリティを使ってActive Directoryを統合する / Apple Support
Macのディレクトリユーティリティでドメインのアクセスを設定する / Apple Suport


OS X 10.6くらいからADとの連携、Exchangeの利用はApple自身案内を出していました。

Integration with Active Directory
I know this is not often allowed in the personal Mac, but did you know that macOS can work with Active Directory, Microsoft’s directory service?
Official support is available from Apple.

Configure domain access in Directory Utility on Mac / Apple Support
Integrate Active Directory using Directory Utility on Mac / Apple Support
Configure domain access in Directory Utility on Mac / Apple Support

Since Apple itself is guiding the use of AD, I believe that Apple has been confirming the integration with Microsoft when designing the OS.

Since Mac OS X 10.6 or so, Apple itself has been guiding the use of AD and Exchange.
Apple has also announce on Apple Open Directory in place of Exchange, but now that has converged, I feel that Apple has taken a stronger stance of leaving the Enterprise back-end side to third parties (Apple Open Directory is a part of Apple’s product line).



Appleプラットフォーム導入 / Apple Support


If you think you have to be on Windows to use it, or if you have to be on Windows at home because your company is on Windows, please try it from your Mac, as it is fully usable from your Mac.
(It would be more interesting if Macs were used more in Enterprise companies.)

If you want to manage and use Macs in your company more extensively, this document is also recommended.

Apple Platform Deployment / Apple Support

But still, Microsoft’s site has multiple web pages for the same service, and the plans are too complicated to understand anyway….


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