Tokyo 2016 on Film – FUJIFILM KLASSE W w/ Kodak Gold 200

FUJIFILM KLASSE W /w Kodak Gold 200

フィルムKodak Gold 200で綴る2016年の冬の東京です。
気がつけばKodak Gold 200も簡単には手に入らないフィルムの一つとなってしまいました。ネットを駆使すればまだ手に入りそうですが、ヨドバシカメラではもう取り扱いもなく気軽に使えるフィルムでは無くなってしまいました・・・。

This is Tokyo in the winter of 2016 taken by the film Kodak Gold 200.
The colors are typical of Kodak. In winter, the humidity is low, so the light tends to penetrate better and produce higher-resolution photos.
I noticed that Kodak Gold 200 is one of the films that is not easy to get. It is still available on the Internet, but Yodobashi Camera no longer carries it and it is no longer a film that can be easily used….
It is hard to see Fujifilm’s lineup decrease, but it is also hard to see Kodak’s lineup decrease.

Tokyo 2016
FUJIFILM KLASSE W /w Kodak Gold 200
Tokyo 2016
FUJIFILM KLASSE W /w Kodak Gold 200