SUPERIA X-TRA400 is now available again!

まさかのSUPERIA X-TRA400再販


何気にyodobashi.comで手に入るフィルムを検索してみたら何故かFUJIFILM SUPERIA X-TRA400がヒットし買える状態に。何で?確かこれ販売終了してたよなと思って調べてみると確かに2018年に販売終了されています。


フジカラー SUPERIA X-TRA400 36枚撮り

I searched casually for available films, and for some reason, FUJIFILM SUPERIA X-TRA400 was found and is now available for purchase. Why? I thought it was discontinued, and when I looked it up, I found that it was indeed discontinued in 2018.

But somehow it is back… Originally, the film was still being sold overseas, and it seems that the specifications of the film that is now being sold are the overseas version with the packaging labeled for Japanese (The film specification is still X-TRA400).

The product is not listed on the Fujifilm product page, but the online sales site Fujifilm Mall has resumed handling the product.
フジカラー SUPERIA X-TRA400 36枚撮り (Sorry, the link is to only Japanese page.)
However, there is currently a waiting list.
