iPhone mini / Plus モデルにおけるAppleの今後の販売戦略に関する予測

Forecast of Apple’s future sales strategy for the iPhone mini / Plus models

9月のiPhone 14イベント、事前のリーク通りminiモデルの新作はありませんでした。iPhone 12は残りましたが、iPhone 12 miniは終了。iPhone 13 miniは幸い残りました。小さいが故に少し安くしいてたminiモデルであるiPhone 12 miniは、ここに来てSEと価格面で被るという問題に直面したんでしょう。性能的にもSEの方が12 miniより良いですしね。
新しくでiPhone 14 Plusがあるということも影響したと思います。


今回miniに代わり久々iPhone 8以来のPlusモデルが登場しました。来年も、Plusモデルが出てminiは出ないのではと思います。

In September Apple event, the iPhone 12 still available in the list, but the iPhone 12 mini is the end. iPhone 13 mini remained, fortunately. The iPhone 12 mini, a mini model that was a bit cheaper due to its smaller size, must have the problem of being priced similarly to the SE. The SE is also better than the 12 mini in terms of performance.
I think the fact that there is a new iPhone 14 Plus has also had an impact.

What will happen to the mini model in the future?
It is too early to say, but will there be a new mini model in the iPhone next September? What will happen to the mini and Plus models in the future? I took the liberty of making a prediction based on the sales cases up to that point.

I think that there will be no mini model next year.
The Plus model has appeared in place of the mini model for the first time since the iPhone 8. I think that there will release Plus model and be no mini model next year either.
Along with that, sales of the mini model will end.
I believe that the mini size will disappear from the iPhone lineup once and for all.

iPhone 13 mini
iPhone 13 mini