iPad Pro (2018) のケースを白に

iPad Pro + Smart Folio White

少し前にiPad Pro 11インチ (2018) のケースを買い換えました。
Apple Smart Folio BlackからApple Smart Folio Whiteにしました。
色々過酷に使いすぎたのか、表面が剥がれて中の型が見えて来ていたので、さすがにみっともないと言うのと日々使う自分のテンション的にも上がらなかっとので、買い換えました。現在発売されているiPad Pro Smart Folio (第3世代) はカメラ部分のサイズが異なりますが、対象機種です。ただ、レンズの部分の形が合わない事が嫌でした。iPad Air(第5世代) Smart Folioは公式には対象外機種ですが、ネットを見ると使用可能という報告を見かけます。
それを候補に更に見てたら自分が使っているiPad Pro 2018と一緒に発売された初代Smart Folioの新品(これ大事)を発見しそれにしました。

I bought a new case for my iPad Pro 11-inch (2018) a while ago.
I went from Smart Folio Black to Smart Folio White.
I used it too much and the surface was peeling off and the inside shape was starting to show, so I replaced it with a new one. The Smart Folio for iPad Pro (3rd generation) currently on the market has a different size camera part, but it is the same model. The Smart Folio for iPad Air (5th generation) is officially not a model for the iPad Pro (2018), but I found reports on the Internet that it can be used with the iPad Pro.
I looked further in internet shop and found a brand new (this is important) first generation Smart Folio that was released with my iPad Pro 2018 and decided to go for it.

iPad Pro for Smart Folio (1st generation / White)
ヨレヨレになってしまったSmart Folio | Smart Folio that has become saggy


心なしか白にしたらなんだかデバイスが軽くなった感じです。あくまで気持ちだけですが。机に置いてても机がなんか明るくなった気がして、白いケースも良かったんだなと実感しました。Apple Pencilが白である事もSmart Folioの白とマッチしていい感じです。

汚れを避けて利用し続ける事は無理だと思うので、経年変化ともうまく向き合いながら引き続きiPad Pro (2018)を大事に使い続けたいと思います。

I chose black for the color at the time, as I imagined I would be using it for work, but I thought a bright color would be nice, so I decided on white this time. I think it would be concerned about stains which the surface is white. So far I have used it for one month and there are no noticeable stains. I have a feeling that it will gradually get dirty. The only thing I can think of to do is to wipe it regularly for now.

I feel that the device has become lighter after I changed it to white. It is just a feeling. The white Apple Pencil also matches the white Smart Folio.

I think it is impossible to keep using the white case without getting dirty, so I would like to continue to use it with care while dealing with the changes over time.

iPad Pro + Smart Folio White


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