MacBook Proのキーキャップを交換

Replacing MacBook Pro keycaps

ちょっと前に僕が使っているMacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)のcommandキーが外れる様になってしまった。
US配列のキーボードを使っていて、英語/日本語切り替えは古いキーアサインであるcommand + spaceを割り当てているため、commandキーは良く使っている場所。それだけに、キーが外れてしまう状態ではレスポンスが悪くどうにかするしかない。

When it breaks, the breaks suddenly, even though it is just used normally. The keyboard is a part that users touch a lot, so it must be a part that is subject to a certain amount of load.
A while ago, My MacBook Pro(15-inch, 2016)’s the command key came off.
It doesn’t look like any part of the keycaps is broken, but when I press the bottom part of the key, the keycaps pops up and comes off.
I use a US keyboard, and I assign the old key assignment “command + space” to switch between English and Japanese, so the command key is where I use it a lot. Therefore, I have no choice but to do something about the poor response when the key is out of alignment.

AppleCareはとっくに切れているが物は相談だと思って、Apple GinzaでGenius Barの予約を取って持ち込むことにした。
久々のGenius Bar。いつもGenius Barの対応には感動をくれるので、今回もなんとかなるのではないかとどこか期待が膨らむ。

担当してくれたApple Storeの人に説明すると、あっさりと状況理解してくれ、新しいcommandキーのキーキャップをつけましょうと即答。それも無償で対応してくれるという。素早い対応と判断にビックリ。ダメ元で相談しに行ったら、想定を超える嬉しい返答が来ました。

ダメになったcommandキーは左側のキーですが、新しいキーキャップは右側のcommmandキーになる可能性があるとの事でした。既に、ビンテージ製品になってるMacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)では、在庫がある限りは対応してくれる状態の為致し方ないなと。

AppleCare had long expired, but I decided to bring it in to Apple Ginza to make an appointment at the Genius Bar.
It’s been a while since I’ve been to the Genius Bar, and I’m always impressed by their service, so I was somewhat hopeful that they would be able to help me this time, too.

When I explained the situation to the Apple Store staff, they easily understood the situation and immediately offered to install a new command key keycaps. He said he would do it free of charge. I was surprised at their quick response and judgment. I went to consult with them, but the response was beyond my expectations.
It seems that the nail that connects the keycaps to the main unit has been worn away over the years of use.

The command key that was ruined is the left side key, but they said may be the new keycaps could be the right side commmand key. I thought it was no use, since the MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016) was already a vintage product and they would support it as long as they had it in stock.

I know it is hard to tell, but the nail is not broken.
3度目の修理対応となるMacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016) その1、その2
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016) for third repair response, Part 1 and Part 2


久々のGenius Barでしたが、さすがApple Store。修理の相談でここまで気持ち良くさせてくれるとはと感じてお店を後にしました。

After less than 10 minutes, I received a new left side command key. The other keys seem to feel better too…maybe I’m just happy to have the command key back.

It’s been a while since I’ve been to the Genius Bar, but I left the store feeling that this is what I expect from an Apple Store, that they would make me feel so good after a repair consultation.

Apple Ginza
Genisu Bar対応待ちの人と対応中の人で3Fはいっぱいでした。
The 3rd floor was full of people waiting for Genisu Bar to respond and those in the process of responding.
Apple Ginza
一件一件丁寧に対応してくれるのがGenius Barのいいところですね。
The beauty of the Genius Bar is that they take care of each case one by one.
Genius Barは3階になります。
Genius Bar is third floor.
Apple Ginza
リニューアル工事で臨時の店舗のApple Ginza
Apple Ginza, a temporary storefront for renovation work
Apple Ginza

MacBook Proのキーキャップを交換」への2件のフィードバック

  1. I was at this Apple Ginza Store 2 weeks ago to buy an iPhone. Although it’s just a temporary storefront, it looks so elegant, and most staff members are friendly and helpful.


    • Thanks for the comment.
      Yes Apple Store always give a great expirience to customer. And shop, layout is so nice. Ginza is temporary but they use until 2024 in this location.


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