
Move to Gutenberg editor.

Kaleidalabsは Automatic のWordPress.com上でプレミアムプランで運用しています。

Kaleidalabs is running on Automatic’s on a premium plan.

Giving up the classic editor and moving to Gutenberg

wordpressは古いテキスト形式のクラシックエディタから、ビジュアルライクに記事を作れるGutenberg を結構前から用意していました。


  • Automaticによるクラシックエディタが2022年末で終了 (結果的に2024年に延長されました)
  • 新しいテーマへの対応が出来ない




当所、自分的には使いにくいGutenberg への移行には積極的にはなれませんでした。やはり移行するにはもっとポジティブな理由が欲しいです。

wordpress has had Gutenberg for quite some time, which allows you to create articles in a visual-like manner, instead of the old text-based classic editor.

I was not comfortable with this method, called block notation, and used the old classic editor, adding HTML tags as needed for convenience, but I decided to part ways with it.

  • The classic editor by Automatic will end at the end of 2022 (it was extended to 2024 as a result).
  • Written by classic editor article is not support new themes.

This is the main reason.
First, the end of the classic editor is a big deal. We have no choice but to migrate even if we don’t want to.

Originally, the end of the classic editor was announced and extended several times over the past few years, and I thought it would end in 2022, but it seems that it has been further extended to 2024. They announced In December the end of 2022 to extended to 2024. I understand why they announced in a last-minute announcement. They want to end the classic editor, so.

However, I guess the announcement is true that it will eventually come to an end.

For the time being, I was not positive about migrating to Gutenberg, which is difficult for me to use (Maybe I write program in my work, so…). I still need a more positive reason to move to Gutenberg.

Support for new themes.

New theme look like written for Gutenberg.







The reason for this was to accommodate a new theme.

I was thinking of changing the theme I am currently using, and when I tried it for test, it didn’t look the way I wanted it to. I thought it was because the articles were not formatted in block notation. I looked at the new theme that has been prepared recently, and it seems that it is assumed that the new theme is written in block notation.

This was a headache for me considering the amount of past articles, but it seems that the transition to block notation is unavoidable when considering the future. Finally I felt it was time to give up and make the transition.

However, when I started, I found that not only the writing style was different, but also the generated HTML and CSS class names were different.

And the layout was not the same as when I had filled it out in the classic editor.

This was a problem…I was once again stumped.

Respond by devising CSS while taking maintenance into consideration.

CSS editor in wordpress.


丁度、少し前から(昨年のサイトをリニューアルする少し前から)、CSSによるレイアウト変更をちょこちょこやっていました。その時の事を踏まえて、Gutenberg により生成されたHTMLも、クラシックエディタにより生成されたHTMLと同じ表示となる様にCSSを調整しました。


今使ってるテーマ (Hemingway Rewritten) はレスポンシブ対応になっているので、デバイスを変えると表示状態が最適化された形で変わりますが、Macで見た時の画面レイアウトは少し工夫しているため、それを維持しつつiPhoneで見やすいレイアウトにする為には、メディアスクリーンサイズを見て対応する必要がありました。iPhoneサイズの対応を前提に横幅420pxを境に表示スタイルを調整する様CSSのメディアクエリで以下の様に指定しています。

@media screen and (max-width: 420px) {




padding-right: calc(100%-450px);


padding-left: calc(100% - 450px);








Specify CSS in block notation way.

The Premier Plan to which we are currently subscribed allows us to apply our own CSS.

Just a little while ago (since before the renewal of the site last year), we had been doing some layout changes using CSS. Based on that time, I adjusted the CSS so that the HTML generated by Gutenberg would be displayed in the same way as the HTML generated by the classic editor.

In a word, it was not easy to adjust the CSS as I had imagined, especially since the layout was broken due to the change of devices (Mac and iPhone), so I used Safari’s Inspector and Responsive View to patiently make corrections. This feature helped me a lot.

The theme I am using now (Hemingway Rewritten) is responsive, so when I change devices, the display state changes in an optimized manner, but since the screen layout when viewed on a Mac is a bit contrived, in order to maintain that and make the layout easier to view on an iPhone, it was necessary to adjust the display style based on the size of the media screen.

@media screen and (max-width: 420px) {


When a vertical photo is laid out, the left and right margins are created by calculating the margins when the layout is moved closer using the following method, because in the Mac is generate the left and right margins depending on the display position.

When a photo is laid out on the right side

padding-right: calc(100%-450px);

When the photo is laid out on the left side

padding-left: calc(100% - 450px);

For vertical photos, I set to specify a width of 450px, but I thought that would be a good balance, so I fixed the size there.

Using these methods, we solved the problems one by one and incorporated them into the CSS.

I had a particularly difficult time adjusting the vertical photos when they were moved to the left or right.

I can also select a block on Gutenberg and add a custom CSS class to blocl by block it individually, but we have basically abandoned that method. The reason is that it will eventually become too much of a hassle to add custom CSS names one by one to pages with many blocks. We tried our best to determine the information in the HTML tags, the generated HTML, and the CSS class associated with it, and wrote the CSS in detail so that the layout would be well organized.

I am thinking of using a method of specifying CSS only for those articles that require HTML description within the block.

Then, I converted some articles to block notation, found some cases where the CSS was not as I had imagined, and modified the CSS again, and so on. I was trying to reproduce the block notation method while checking multiple display sizes in order to make it responsive.

Thanks to this, I was able to minimize the time and effort required to convert to block notation, since the photos displayed vertically are width 450px and I pointed out the size myself, but other than that, the images are displayed exactly as I imagined after converting to block notation.

Migrate article to Gutenberg over 750.




I am now able to cope with most of the changes, so I am steadily converting the most recent articles and relatively popular articles to block notation as I find gaps in the work.
(There are over 750 articles in total, so it will be a long journey.)

However, it seems that there is no direct SEO effect even if I try my best to change to block notation, and I honestly think I would have been more motivated if I had included that part, lol.

Anyway, I will continue to convert steadily.

Move to Gutenberg editor


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