
Still, I’d still like to ask for XQ3 to FUJIFILM.


出ないとわかってても未だ欲しいXQ3。フィルムカメラだと年代物のコンパクトカメラは、今やプレミアム価格がついててちょっと高いなんてレベルじゃない物も見受けられ(CONTAX T3とか)ますが、コンデジだと年代物にプレミアム価格とはなかなかなりません(別に自分のカメラにプレミアム価格が欲しいわけではないです)。結局年代物のデジカメは、中のセンサーやらデジタルカメラたらしめるデジタル回路が古いから、そこから出てくる写真も物足りない絵(解像度や色など)として見えてしまうわけです。


I still want an FUJIFILM XQ3 even though I know it won’t be released.
Some of the older compact film cameras are now priced at a premium and are not even a little expensive. (like a CONTAX T3)
With digital cameras, it is hard to get a premium price for a vintage camera (not that I want a premium price for my camera).
In the end, the old digital cameras is older sensors and digital circuits, that why the pictures that come out of them are not good enough (in terms of resolution, color, etc.).

I have been using the XQ1 from time to time recently, and I have to say that it is just as nice photo as ever. There are some things I would like to say, such as the lack of a viewfinder or the fact that once you turn off the camera, you forget to zoom and always start from the wide-angle side, but the palm-size is hard to give up, and the fact that FUJIFILM colors are available even in this size is the biggest thing.

Tokyo Shinbashi 2022
Tokyo Shinbashi 2022