iPhone 13 mini

iPhone 13 mini
iPhone 13 mini Starlight

長らく悩んで悩んでいましたが iPhone 13 mini を7月末に迎え入れてました (iPhone 14が目前に迫っているのは知っていてです)。iPhone 12 mini がアナウンスされた時からずっと mini サイズは気になってたのですがどうしても Pro モデルの方に目が行き (カメラ性能的にどうしても…) 、iPhone 12 Pro を選びました。
ただ、やはりiPhone 5 / 5s / SE(初代) のサイズに近い mini モデルはずっと良いなと思って引っ掛かっていました。僕は仕事用とプライベート用で2台持ちなのですが、iPhone 12 Pro と別で iPhone SE (初代) を使っていました。
SEそのものには不満は無かったのですが、使っていたキャリアは、OCN モバイル ONEを使って格安で運用していたのですが、そこに落とし穴がありました。どうも調べてみると「グローバルIPアドレス」を利用した形態となっており、これがバッテリーの消耗を著しく落としていたようです。それに引きずられてどんどん iPhone SEのバッテリー能力も落ち、ちょっと触るとあっという間にバッテリーが減るという問題もあって、まずはキャリア変更を最初に浮かべていました。

I had been thinking long time about how to get the iPhone 13 mini and finally I bout it in the end of July (I know the iPhone 14 is just around the corner.). Since the announcement of the iPhone 12 mini, but my attention was drawn to the Pro model (because of the camera performance…) and I chose the iPhone 12 Pro. ), so I chose the iPhone 12 Pro.
However, I still had my eye on the mini model, which is similar to the size of the iPhone 5 / 5s / SE (the first generation), because I always thought it was better. I have two phones, one for work and one for private use, and I was using the iPhone SE (first generation) separately from the iPhone 12 Pro.
I had no complaints about the SE itself, but the carrier I was using was OCN Mobile ONE, which is a low-cost carrier, but there was a pitfall there. I found out that it was using a “global IP address” and this was draining the battery significantly. This was dragging down the battery capacity of the iPhone SE, and with the problem of the battery draining quickly after a slight touch, the first thing that came to mind was to change carriers.

iPhone 13 mini
iPhone 13 mini Starlight
iPhone 13 mini Starlight


ただ、Y!mobileへのMNPでは iPhone 13 mini は選択肢がありません (Y!mobileがiPhone 13シリーズを扱っていないため)。
丁度悩んでる頃、春頃です。iPhone 13 miniなどの1円爆安セールが起きてました。あ、これはと思ったのですが、対象キャリアが限られていて、どうしようとか悩んでいるうちに、半導体需給の問題もあり在庫が枯渇して終了に。

ただ、相変わらず近所のノジマに聞いても在庫がなく、iPhone SE(第3世代)ならという案内のみでした。時々Twitterでも様子を見てましたが大きな動きも無さそうで。

I was looking at different ways to get a discount by switching MNP (MNP is the Mobile Number Portability. It is service of change crriere to carrier bring own phone number.), but where to switch? did not come up. I switched my main line to Y!mobile last year and had no complaints. I also found out that I could get a discount for the second line with a family discount, which was almost the same as the cost of OCN, so I knew where to switch.

However, the iPhone 13 mini is not an option for MNP to Y!mobile. Because Y!mobile’s line up the has not iPhone 13 series.
It was spring time when I was wondering what to do, and there was a sale of iPhone 13 mini for 1 yen!. I thought this was a great deal, but the carriers were limited, and while I was wondering what to do, the inventory ran out due to semiconductor supply and demand issues, and the sale ended.
I regrettably missed my best chance.

What I found out then was that with Nojima Denki, I would have to trade in my equipment, but at an overwhelmingly lower price.
In fact, the trade-in was the point that troubled me. I had kept all the iPhones I had been using, and I had never thought of trading them in and saying good-bye. While I was worrying about it, the battery life was still so poor that I could not use it at all times, and it began to affect me.
However, as usual, when I asked my local Nojima, they didn’t have it in stock and only offered the iPhone SE (3rd generation). I’ve been checking Twitter from time to time, but there doesn’t seem to be any major movement.

iPhone 13 mini
iPhone 13 mini Starlight
iPhone 13 mini
iPhone 13 mini Starlight

徐々に9/7に発表されると言われている新型iPhoneに向けての情報リーク合戦も熱を帯び始めいよいよ次期iPhone 14と呼ばれるラインナップの中には、miniのラインナップが無さそうというのが、濃厚になって来た感じがして来ました。
そこに現在の半導体需給の問題。キャリア側の端末不足、特にiPhone 13/12 miniは酷くて、ショップに聞くと売れる端末が無いという状態。
Apple Storeの在庫を見ても出荷まで2-3週間待ちという状態でした。
色々、秋の切り替えタイミングを考えると一番最悪なケースはなんだろうと考えるとiPhone 13 miniの販売終了です。

例年も新型機が出ると、旧機種の販売終了もしくは、ストレージサイズが小さくなって多少安くなって販売継続でしたが、今の半導体需給状況を考えるともしかしたらAppleが膨れ上がったラインナップ数の整理に動かないか?と思えて来ました。iPhone 13/12は残るがminiモデルは終了というシナリオです。昨年のケースで考えると少なくともiPhone 13 miniは残りそうですが、今の半導体不足の状況がどういう判断をもたらすのか読めません。今の段階で既にminiが不足しておりオンライン Apple Storeでも2-3週間待ちなので、どうなるか怪しいものです。更に、iPhone SE(第3世代)もTouch IDですが、同じA15Bionicで価格はiPhone SE(第3世代)の方が安く設定しているため、そっちに集束させるのでは、という懸念もあります。

What I found out then was that with Nojima Denki, I would have to trade in my equipment, but at an overwhelmingly lower price.
In fact, the trade-in was the point that troubled me. I had kept all the iPhones I had been using, and I had never thought of trading them in and saying good-bye. While I was worrying about it, the battery life was still so poor that I could not use it at all times, and it began to affect me.
However, as usual, when I asked my local Nojima, they didn’t have it in stock and only offered the iPhone SE (3rd generation). I’ve been checking Twitter from time to time, but there doesn’t seem to be any major movement.

In the meantime, the price hike finally came due to the weak yen. I felt that my purchase was getting further away from my mind.
Gradually, the battle of information leaks about the new iPhone, which is expected to be announced on September 7, began to heat up, and it was becoming more and more likely that there would be no mini in the lineup of the next iPhone 14.
Then there is the current semiconductor supply and demand issue. The shortage of handsets on the carrier side, especially for the iPhone 13/12 mini, is so severe that when we asked stores about it, they said they had no handsets to sell.
Even looking at the inventory at the Apple Store, there was a 2-3 week wait for shipment.
Considering the timing of the fall switchover, the worst case scenario is the iPhone 13 mini being discontinued.

iPhone 13 mini
Hello iPhone 13 mini!!

ただキャリアがdocomoしかないと。あれ、それは困った。SoftBank にして半年くらい使ったらMNPでY!mobileにと思ってたので。んー、即決せず悩みますと。そしたら取り置きにしてくれるという有難いお言葉が。
で、持ち帰って悩みました。決断したはずのiPhone SEを手放すのにまた躊躇し、幾ら値引きしてくれるとはいえ、払う額が安いわけでもなく、しまいにはキャリアはドコモ。んーんーと悩みましたが、一番嫌なのはminiが手に入らなくなる事なので、Y!mobileへはさっさとNMPしてしまおうと。あまり早く乗り換えるとブラックリストが的な話はありますが、本当なのか不明だし、気にせずやってしまえばいいと決めて一旦ドコモに乗り換える事に決めました。

Every year, when a new model is released, the old model is discontinued or becomes slightly cheaper with a smaller storage size and continues to be sold, but given the current semiconductor supply-demand situation, I wonder if Apple might move to liquidate its ballooning lineup. In this scenario, the iPhone 13/12 will remain, but the mini model will be discontinued. In the case of last year, it is likely that at least the iPhone 13 mini will remain, but it is hard to say what the current shortage of semiconductors will bring about. At this point, there is already a shortage of the mini and a 2-3 week wait at the online Apple Store, so it is doubtful what will happen. Furthermore, the iPhone SE (3rd generation) also has Touch ID, but since the price is set lower for the iPhone SE (3rd generation) with the same A15Bionic, there is a concern that the iPhone SE (3rd generation) will converge with the iPhone SE (3rd generation).
I thought about waiting until September, but if it were to disappear from the lineup, the only thing I could get would be a used one. I wanted to avoid that, so I decided to start looking for a device again.
I happened to drop by my neighborhood Nojima and asked without any expectations, and was told that they had just one of the Starlight/128GB that I was looking for.
I asked about the price, and was told that I could save 22,000 yen by transferring to an MNP and 44,000 yen with a trade-in. The result was 62,000 yen. I thought this was a good deal under the current circumstances. My brain was moving again.
However, I was told that docomo is the only carrier. I thought I would get SoftBank and use it for half a year, then MNP to Y!mobile (Because Y!mobile is the subcarrier of SoftBank.). Well, I said I would not make an immediate decision, but I would be worried about it. Then, I was told that they were willing to put the phone on layaway.
So, I took it home and agonized over it. I hesitated again to let go of my iPhone SE that I had already decided, and even though they were offering a discount, the price I would pay was not cheap. I was worried about it, but the worst thing was that I wouldn’t be able to get a mini anymore, that why I decided to buy mini and quickly NMP to Y!mobile. There is a story that if I switch too early, I will be blacklisted, but I am not sure if it is true or not, so I decided to just do it without worrying about it and switch to docomo.

iPhone 13 mini
iPhone 13 mini

いざ手続きしようと思ったら久々の機種変という事もありNMP転出番号取り忘れるとか、OCN モバイル ONEでの転出方法とかノジマの人親切に色々やってくれました。優しい、ありがとうノジマの店員さん。

で、晴れて機種変更となりiPhone 13 miniが我が手元に来ました。

When it came time to go through the procedure, the person at Nojima was kind enough to help me with a lot of things, such as forgetting to get my NMP transfer number because it had been a while since I had changed my phone, and how to transfer to OCN Mobile ONE. Thank you Nojima staff for your kindness.

So, I got the iPhone 13 mini.

iPhone 13 mini
docomoのSIM。 | docomo’s SIM.
iPhone 13 mini
フィルムはお馴染みPowerSupport Crystal film for iPhone 13 mini
The film is the well-known PowerSupport Crystal film for iPhone 13 mini. My favorite film.
iPhone SE 1st Generation
Bye bey iPhone SE 1st Gen…


I will tell you how it feels next time.

iPhone 13 mini


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