iPhone mini / Plus モデルにおけるAppleの今後の販売戦略に関する予測

Forecast of Apple’s future sales strategy for the iPhone mini / Plus models

9月のiPhone 14イベント、事前のリーク通りminiモデルの新作はありませんでした。iPhone 12は残りましたが、iPhone 12 miniは終了。iPhone 13 miniは幸い残りました。小さいが故に少し安くしいてたminiモデルであるiPhone 12 miniは、ここに来てSEと価格面で被るという問題に直面したんでしょう。性能的にもSEの方が12 miniより良いですしね。
新しくでiPhone 14 Plusがあるということも影響したと思います。


今回miniに代わり久々iPhone 8以来のPlusモデルが登場しました。来年も、Plusモデルが出てminiは出ないのではと思います。

In September Apple event, the iPhone 12 still available in the list, but the iPhone 12 mini is the end. iPhone 13 mini remained, fortunately. The iPhone 12 mini, a mini model that was a bit cheaper due to its smaller size, must have the problem of being priced similarly to the SE. The SE is also better than the 12 mini in terms of performance.
I think the fact that there is a new iPhone 14 Plus has also had an impact.

What will happen to the mini model in the future?
It is too early to say, but will there be a new mini model in the iPhone next September? What will happen to the mini and Plus models in the future? I took the liberty of making a prediction based on the sales cases up to that point.

I think that there will be no mini model next year.
The Plus model has appeared in place of the mini model for the first time since the iPhone 8. I think that there will release Plus model and be no mini model next year either.
Along with that, sales of the mini model will end.
I believe that the mini size will disappear from the iPhone lineup once and for all.

iPhone 13 mini
iPhone 13 mini

Appleはmini / Plusを無印/Pro/Pro Maxと違いそのサイズに強くこだわりを持っている人という括りをしているのではないかと思っています。
あえて、mini / Plusのサイズがいいという人は一定数います。そういう人たちはそのサイズにこだわりが強いからこそ、Appleにとっても大事なユーザになるはずです。
なので、mini / Plusはリリースタイミングをコントロールしてくるのではないか?とみています。


毎年Plusを出して、Pro Maxが売れなくなってはAppleとしては本末転倒です。2年Plusを売ってやめれば、Plusの価値もその先に向けて維持されることになります。

I believe that Apple is seeing to mini / Plus users as those who are strongly committed to that size, unlike the standard / Pro / Pro Max.
There are a certain number of people who prefer the size of the mini / Plus. These people are very particular about the size, which is why they should be important users for Apple.
However, if it is asked whether the number of shipments is large in absolute terms, it is probably not that large compared to other models.
But as I wrote earlier, they are strong fans who support Apple’s brand.
So, I think that Apple will control the timing of the release of mini / Plus.
This will reduce the excess inventory that Apple would have to hold by constantly releasing new models.
And it will also sort out the issue of the number of shipments, since the time when they are released again will be the time when the models are changed.

There have been occasional reports that demand for the mini model may be low, but is it really low? The situation must be different in Europe, the US, and Asia.
The iPad mini model also comes and goes once every few years, and Apple is probably measuring the timing of its releases in the context of a larger time axis. I think Apple’s strategy is not to lower the value of the mini model or Apple’s brand value, but rather to make it more expensive (I’m just saying). I think they are taking a strategy to make the value of the mini model higher without lowering the value of the Apple brand.

If Apple releases Plus model every year and Pro Max stops selling, that is worse case for Apple. If Apple will relase Plus model in this and next year, the value of Plus will be maintained for the next three years. And after they stop the Plus model, but Pro Max is still in line up.
By devising the timing of sales in this way, I am beginning to think that Apple is adopting a strategy of preserving the brand value of the non-Pro iPhone.
Apple values the value of its products more than anything else.

Detail of iPhone 13 mini
iPhone 13 mini

そして、抑えても抑えても漏れてくる新製品リーク。つまり、予測では2024年前半にはminiモデルの存在が再び漏れてくるだろうと。それによって、iPhone 12/13 miniを使い続けている熱心なminiユーザは、2024年のリリースを期待しつつも出なくても2025まで待ってくれるだろうと。



We do not know what will actually happen, but one hypothesis is that the mini/Plus model will be as shown in the figure. I think that the mini/Plus model will be as shown in the figure.
I think that after releasing two Plus models, the mini will not be released immediately, but will be released one year later.
I think this will stimulate users’ desire to purchase the mini model.
Wouldn’t it be good for the replacement cycle of users who are particular about the size?
It would be a time to show that we are not ignoring the voices of those who are concerned about the size variations of smartphones other than the iPhone.
And, new product leaks will continue to leak, no matter how hard we try to suppress them. In other words, the prediction is that the mini model will leak out again in the first half of 2024. This will allow the avid mini users who have been using the iPhone 12 / 13 mini to wait until 2025, even if they don’t get one, while still expecting a 2024 release.
I think that period will be the time to make the mini model worthwhile to users again.

I have already seen quite a few people on the Internet saying that the mini model will be gone, so buy now if you want. In a way, I think such voices are increasing the value of the mini model as a result. I feel that the same is true for the Plus model, which is designed to create a period of time during which users cannot buy the product, to make them reevaluate the value of the product and increase their desire to purchase the next model.

I don’t know what Apple thinks about this, as it is just a hypothesis I came up with on my own, but I may be able to give you some kind of answer in about 5 years time.

iPhone mini / Plus forecasts chart


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